By; Jjunju Francis

The Catholic Bishops of Uganda have again faulted the National Bio-safety Act 2017 saying it has a lot of gaps as far as safety measures are concerned.

The bill approved by parliament in October 2017 and awaits ascent of the president allows the use and support of genetically modified organisms and genetically engineered products in Uganda coming out of combined two different genes to have a new product.

The bishops in their statement signed by the Archbishop of Gulu His Grace John Baptist Odama said the law in its current form does not provide safeguard people, animals and environment of the negative effects of using GMOs and GEs.

The act opens opportunities to companies producing such products to enslave small holder farmers creating dependence through the exclusive use of GMOs.

They urge the authorities to give it a second thought and stop it from becoming operation given its gaps to the benefit of Ugandans and the environment.

Sunday 17th June 2018 04:38:10 PM