By; Fred Kato

The opposition Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) has unveiled its road map for Local Council primaries in preparation for the LC1, II and women Committees elections slated for November this year.

The party Electoral Commission Chairman Mahmud Kazimbiraine says UPC is ready to field candidates that will represent it in the forthcoming local village polls since lower leadership is very vital for people’s governance, security and development.

According to the national Electoral Commission issued road map for the Local Council and Women council elections, the program will kick off in October and polling for November 21st 2017.

The party is to work on the compilation of village registers, establishment of branch executives where they are nonexistent and identify flag bearers for LC1 LCII and women committee candidates.

The LC1 elections will not be by a secret ballot as it is at other levels of elections.

Uganda has 59315 villages and last had Local Council one election 15 years ago.


Thursday 14th September 2017 06:44:35 AM by Fred Kato