94.4 Radio Sapientia

UNEB Deploys Over 7,000 Examiners to Mark PLE Exams

Jennifer Kalule Musamba, the UNEB Spokesperson

A total of 7,500 Examiners have been contracted by the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) to mark this year’s Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) papers that were recently completed.

More than 798,700 candidates sat for their Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) across the country from the 4th to 7th of November 2024.

Jennifer Kalule Musamba, the UNEB Spokesperson says that the Board is ready for the marking exercise of PLE scripts and are expecting the invited Examiners to report to their respective Centers by November 30th 2024.

She adds that Examiners who have not yet received any communication are expected to cross check with the UNEB Secretariat as they prepare for the marking exercise which will be conducted in 13 centers across the country.

Meanwhile, Kalule has noted that they intend to reduce the number of Examiners for the New Lower Secondary Curriculum (NLSC) from 12,000 to 7,000 and invitations are expected to be delivered to those accredited to their area supervisors.

By Ben Musanje

25 Nov 2024


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