The four Police Officers, who were captured on the viral video harassing an old lady in the mud, have been dismissed from the Force.
In a video that made rounds on social media, two Police Officers in plain clothes were captured dragging Victoria Kabatoraine, 65 in Mbarara City in mud in a land matter where the victim was accused of trespassing on a certain piece of land.
The four of these Police Officers including; ASP Andrew Betunga who commanded the operation, Darious Aharizira, Hope Nsasirwe and Loyce Kiboneka, all Constables were arrested and aligned before the Rwizi Region Police Disciplinary Court.
ACP Kituuma Rusoke, the Police Spokesperson says that they have 14 days to appeal against this decision in the Tribunal and once they are unsuccessful, they will automatically lose their jobs.
By Ben Musanje
16 Dec 2024