94.4 Radio Sapientia

Don’t Grant Bail to Rapists – Minister Balaam

Minister Balaam

The State Minister for Youth and Children Affairs, Dr. Balaam Barugahara has called on the Judiciary to desist from giving bail to people charged with rape and defilement cases.

He asked this as Uganda joined the whole world to commemorate the 2024 International Day of the Girl Child on Friday October 11th 2024 under the theme; “Girls’ vision for the future”.

While addressing journalists at the Uganda Media Center in Kampala, Barugaharadisclosed that bailing out people is constitutional but men with rape and defilement cases should not benefit from this privilege because they negatively affect the future of the girl child.

He adds that whenever this happens, it scares away well intentioned Ugandans who strive to save the lives of young girls to enable them have a better future.

Barugaharameanwhilecalls upon parents, communities and civil society organizations to team up with the Government to save the lives of the girl child.

Meanwhile, Barugahararevealed that the Government has actively advanced initiatives to create a conducive environment that will nurture the girl’s vision and ensure that every girl has an opportunity to utilize her full potential.

He says, as the Government reflects on this year’s theme, they recognize that girls hold a key position for the brighter future of this country in the sectors of; education, health, and leadership among others, hence they must be protected and supported to achieve their full potential.

At the same presser, Christopher Kugonza who represented the Country Director of Plan International called for urgent efforts to save the girl child, saying that to date, 40% of girls below 18 years and 10% of girls below 15 years are forced into early marriages, whereas 5% of girls between 12 and 16 years do not complete primary seven and 22% fail to complete secondary education, among others due to several issues.

Meanwhile, Daniel Alemu, the deputy Representative for the UNFPA and Officer representing UN family in Uganda said according to a survey on teenage pregnancy conducted by UNFPA, Uganda tops with 24% in the East Africa region and this indicates that girls become young mothers before they are ready which jeopardizes their education and future prospects.

He adds that the same report shows that child marriages persist as a serious issue and it has also stagnated at 33%.

The International Day of the Girl Child is a key global moment on which to celebrate girls everywhere, amplify their voices, actions and leadership. It is a day that belongs to everyone who cares about girls and their rights.

By Charles Katabalwa

11th Oct 2024


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