94.4 Radio Sapientia

Kampala Archdiocese Commemorates 60th Anniversary of the Canonization of the Uganda Martyrs

60th Anniversary of Canonization of the Uganda Martyrs

Christians have been urged to be true witnesses of Jesus Christ through the observance of the sacraments especially the baptism vows that initiate and strengthen their life.

The call has been sounded by the Chairperson Steering Committee for the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the canonization of the Ugandan Martyrs in the Archdiocese of Kampala, Rev. Fr. Richard Nyombi, who represented the Archbishop of Kampala, His Grace Paul Ssemogerere at the thanksgiving mass on Friday at the Uganda Martyrs Catholic Shrine Namugongo to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the canonization of the Ugandan martyrs.

He told the congregation comprising of priests, religious and lay faithful that baptism is not just a distant memory but it’s a living and breathing commitment to withstand daily challenges and temptations by following Christ.

Fr. Nyombi reminded Christians to walk the path of the Ugandan martyrs, who demonstrated unwavering faith during their persecution.

Meanwhile, Rev. Fr. Dr. Msgr. Lawrence Ssemusu, the Vicar of Professional in Kampala Archdiocese advised Catholics to desist from being part time believers but instead serve one God if they want to enter His kingdom like the Ugandan Martyrs did.

Msgr. Ssemusu revealed this at the Namugongo Martyrs Basilica in his homily as he led holy mass and veneration of the Uganda Martyrs’ Relics to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Uganda Martyrs’ canonization.

He said that being a Catholic is not a part-time job but a 24/7 commitment if one wants to enter the Kingdom of God.

Msgr. Ssemusu however asked Christians to pick a leaf from the lives of the Uganda Martyrs and to pray through them to save Uganda and the world from the ungodly things which hinder people from seeing the Glory of God.

He also challenged priests, nuns, and seminarians to always do things which reflect God’s image.

Meanwhile, a delegation comprising of Catholic Bishops from Uganda, politicians and lay faithful have traveled to Rome to participate in the Mass for the canonization of the Ugandan Martyrs that is going to be celebrated on Saturday 19th October 2024 at St. Peter’s Basilica by the Papal delegate Peter Cardinal Turkson, the Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Archbishop emeritus of Cape Coast in Ghana.

It was 18 October 1964, on a Mission Sunday, when the twenty-two Catholic Uganda Martyrs were solemnly proclaimed Saints by Pope Paul VI in St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome.

By Charles Katabalwa

18 Oct 2024


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